Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Eternal Life

Eternal Life seems pretty straight forward, right? When you look only at John 3:16 you'll probably just think it means living forever, but when you throw John 17:2,3 into the mix it becomes pretty clear that eternal life is more than just living forever. To Jesus it is more, and He defines just what it does mean. We are to know the Father and Jesus Christ. The Greek word (The New Testament was written in Greek.) for "know" means: to come to know, recognize, perceive. You can't come to know someone without having a relationship with them. So, to simplify matters, those who believe will live forever having a relationship with the Father and Jesus and not go into judgement and death as those who don't belive will. If you don't believe just try to imagine your worst nightmare and multiply it by forever with no hope of relief. That won't even be close to what it will be like having no relationship with God. If you don't have a relationship with Him then turn to Jesus, believe His words, and give Him your heart. Then go out and tell somebody. Email me if you have any questions or want clarification on any of this or just want to find out more about turning your life over to God. It is not about religion, but about relationship with God. And it is great. Be blessed and be a blessing. Related Bible verses: John 5:24, John 6:40, and
Romans 10:9,10 email: montana_denny@yahoo.com


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